Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fish Operated for Hernia

Carla the fish has had a life-saving operation after developing a hernia.

The 10-inch-long angelfish was laid out on an operating table while a vet and two assistants carried out the unusual surgery.

After being anaesthatised the exotic fish had a tube placed in her mouth and water pumped through her body and out her gills to enable her to breathe.

Vet Sue Thornton repaired the stomach condition using a scalpel, a needle and forceps during the £500 operation.

After being stitched up and brought round the plucky fish was kept under close observation before she went on to make a full recovery.

Carla has been a resident at the London Aquarium for 10 years and staff decided to try and save her rather than put her to sleep when she developed the hernia. via

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