Friday, May 9, 2008

Madonna's 'frenchy' kiss

Madonna gave guests at a private show in Paris something to remember when she locked lips with another woman. Madge also told the 1,500 strong crowd that she not only loved working with the French, but also 'frenching' them. "Why do I have this relationship with France? I'm always drawn to working with French people - and frenching French people! Vive la France!" quoted her, as saying.

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The superstar more famously locked lips with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera back in 2003 at the MTV Video Music Awards. She later revealed to Out magazine that the kiss had prompted her daughter Lourdes to ask her whether she was gay. To this Madonna replied: "I am the mommy pop star and she is the baby pop star. I am kissing her to pass my energy on to her."

In the meanwhile, the singer - who turns 50 in August - has something to smile about now that her new album, Hard Candy, has topped the Billboard charts.

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