Friday, February 8, 2008

The Amazing fish - Arowana

The female arowana just lays the eggs & its the responsibility of the male arowana to take care of them. It is the male who needs to workout the rest of the stuff by ferti1izing the eggs, store them in his mouth & care for them, they are the mouthbreeders. And this whole process can take up to 40 to 50 days. And for harvesting, the arowana has to be handled tenderly & requires special skills.

"Harvesting" is the term used by arowana breeders to refer to the process of taking the eggs out from the male fish's mouth.

For many watching the 'arowana harvesting' process is something in which each step is filled with suspense as it all depends on how well the arowana opens his mouth & closes which gives the final amazing results.These fish love to jump out of the water for a long distance (up to 3 meters)

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