Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Most Expensive Glasses in the world

Here's a unique idea: diamonds that are suspended in glass. Natascha Marx and glass artist Tobias Berger have partnered up to create Diamonds in Glass. The concept has a lot of applications including luxurious stemware, caviar dishes, napkin rings and ashtrays as well as jewelry items like rings and bracelets. There are two main types: the pure, which has the diamond in clear glass, or the black edition, where the backside of the diamonds is embedded in black colored glass and the diamond has the diamonds against black velvet effect.

The pieces are made of borosilicate glass which has a melting point of around 1200 ºC, (diamonds burn at a temperature of about 800 ºC). The glass blower introduces the diamond into the viscous glass mass and places it in the desired position. The Diamonds in Glass website has a video of the process. Prices start at around 1620 euros for a small glass. Check out the gallery below for examples including the most expensive Champagne glass I have ever seen.

Click the Photos to Enlarge

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