Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Curious miscellaneous Pictures - 31 Photos

Real-life Mowgli

In Cambodia, a real-life Mowgli strokes and kisses his five-metre long pet, a giant Burmese python. Seven-year old Sambath rides, wrestles and even sleeps with a snake big enough to...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Curious miscellaneous Pictures - 16 Photos

How world's most tallest luxurious hotel was built - Video

Burj Al Arab Hotel


Burj Al Arab -World's only seven star hotel

Burj Al Arab -World's only seven star hotel located in the hub of business in the middle east--Dubai


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pug falling asleep - very funny!!

Puppy pug, Dexter, drifting off to sleep whilst sitting up. Watch 'til the end. Don't worry, he didn't hurt himself :)

2.5 tons of apples turning into art.

Apple Market Festival in Kivik, Sweden

The Kivik Apple Market is probably one of the most unique annual events you have ever visited. Visit the town of Kivik in southern Sweden in late September to experience this annual festival.

The eye-catcher at the Apple Market in Kivik must be the "apple art": pieces of art that look like paintings, but are actually pieced together by tons and tons of colorful apples, like a mosaic! The paintings made of apples look beautiful, but weigh up to 4 tons